Gratitude Is Especially Important for Businesses this Year

gratitude in businessAs we start to close out 2020, it’s impossible to reflect without at least some shock and awe on the year that is coming to a close. Unprecedented fires worldwide, political and social justice upheaval, and a once-in-a-lifetime worldwide pandemic that is still raging on. The impacts of all of these things on businesses are still developing and in progress. The outcomes are still unknown, but if 2020 were ranked compared to “like products,” it would not receive a single star.

As business leaders, you are always looking out ahead, mitigating risks, taking on new challenges, and this year, all of that has been exponentially more difficult.

With all of the stress, distress, fatigue, fear, and worry of this year it would be easy to overlook feeling gratitude for what is right in front of you. Your family, friends, employees, vendors, and customers, who have all contributed to helping you persevere during this unprecedented year.

If you do reflect, perhaps the first ones you think of are your customers and you may send a card or gift of thanks. Next on the list is likely your vendors, which you also might acknowledge with a card, a gift, or a call. Third is your employees, and this year, it may be hard to know what to do. Holiday gatherings aren’t safe and there may not be much extra money for gifts or bonuses or anything that has a cost attached. Lastly, you might think of your family and friends.

However, the order is all wrong. The most important people in your life are your family. After all, what are you really doing all this for anyway? And who has sacrificed the most this year? They have. Next on the priority list should be your employees. They stuck with you and helped you to continue to fight through all the ups and downs to build, deliver, sell, execute, and stay in business every single day. And most will give their all every day to make sure you succeed in your goals. Will you take the time to personally connect with and thank them? And especially this year, remembering to reach out to your vendors and customers, without whom, you couldn’t have made it this far, is critical, but comes behind family and employees.

There is no better time than the present to say thanks and show gratitude – a meaningful thank you from the heart for all those who have helped you through this year. The holidays are about giving back and saying thank you and it’s truly the heart communicated in the thank you that means more than any gift or party ever could.

I want to sincerely thank all of you who have helped my business this year. I appreciate all the help and support I’ve received and hope to pay it forward many times each day. Join me and the holidays will not be an event, but a way of life, every day of the year.